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Blog: Personal Injury

One of the first steps in building a successful personal injury claim is to identify the liable parties. After most accidents involving passenger vehicles, the liable party is the negligent driver who caused the collision. But if…
Did you know that when you file a personal injury claim could be the difference in the settlement amount you receive? If you or a loved one has been in an accident and are wondering when you should file a personal injury claim, this…
When you have bills to pay from an injury, a personal injury settlement from the insurance company might seem like the solution to all of your problems. But, what if the settlement isn’t the right decision? Unfortunately, far too…
Were you or a loved one injured as a result of another person or company’s negligence? If so, here are a few reasons why it’s important to consult a personal injury attorney. A personal injury attorney can help you seek…
After your accident, you’ve probably asked, Do I have a personal injury case?” To answer this question, there are several questions you must first ask yourself. Watch our video for details. After an accident, the last thing…
Statistically, you’re bound to be in an auto accident at some point. Forbes estimates that you will file an insurance claim for a collision approximately once every 17 years. Most of these collisions will be minor, but some are not.…
Bikes have become a cost-effective, fuel-efficient alternative to vehicles. In fact, there are approximately 8.5 million motorcycles registered in the United States alone. While motorcycles come with several benefits, they also come…
Throughout the course of your life, you could be in an automobile accident or collision. That said, do you know what to do after a car accident? After calling 911 and seeking medical attention, here are a few things you’ll want to…
If you’re the victim of an accident and were injured, you might be wondering if you have a personal injury case. Automobile accidents, medical malpractice, farming accidents, fires, and more can lead to injuries that you could be…
Between having so much to do and the need to feel connected, distracted driving — especially caused by cell phones — is becoming an increasingly problematic and devastating issue. In 2015, The Huffington Post reported that one in…
As an employee, it is important to understand workplace accidents – what they are and what to do in the unfortunate event of one. In certain fields with especially high safety risks, such as construction and trucking, it is even more…
There are some things in life that don’t come with instruction manuals. Sustaining a personal injury or the wrongful death of a loved one are two examples. Though these types of occurrences can be stressful and worrisome, one can…
Fires and explosions are unexpected, traumatic events that can cause serious physical and psychological injuries and even lead to death. Explosions are typically a result of corporate or human negligence, and because victims are…
Motorcyclists are more vulnerable on the road than those who drive trucks, cars, and other enclosed vehicles. Even when motorcyclists obey the law and ride carefully, accidents may still occur. If you or a loved one has been in a…
Manufacturers owe consumers a promise that their products are safe and will not lead to intentional harm. However, sometimes accidents occur or the final product experiences some kind of defect. In those cases, individuals may have…
Getting into an accident can be pretty scary, especially on a motorcycle. And according to a 2013 statistic by the Insurance Information Institute, motorcyclists are five times more likely to be injured in an accident than car…
When sickness keeps you from working or being with family, you hope for a doctor’s visit and medication that will get you back on your feet. But what if your doctor prescribes the wrong medication, or you have an unexpected side…
At Ball Eggleston PC, we understand that it can be difficult for opposing parties to come to agreements, which is why we offer mediation services. Our attorneys are prepared to serve as mediators or representation during the…
At Ball Eggleston, we pride ourselves on the caliber of attorneys we attract to our firm. We all come from different backgrounds and experiences, but we work together to form a team that is ready to help solve your legal questions.…
We are excited to announce that Ball Eggleston has been ranked in the U.S. News and Best Lawyers list of 2016 Best Law Firms.” The list ranks Ball Eggleston as 1st in our metro region for Estates & Trusts Law, and 2nd in our…