Law Resources

Helpful Law Resources

Were you or a loved one injured as a result of another person or company’s negligence? If so, here are a few reasons why it’s important to consult a personal injury attorney. A personal injury attorney can help you seek…
Ball Eggleston PC is pleased to announce that Attorney Jack L. Walkey has received the Grand Marquis de Lafayette Award for his 25 years of service to the Lafayette Police Civil Service Commission. The Marquis de Lafayette Award is…
After your accident, you’ve probably asked, Do I have a personal injury case?” To answer this question, there are several questions you must first ask yourself. Watch our video for details. After an accident, the last thing…
Ball Eggleston PC is pleased to announce that Attorney John P. Schafer of Lafayette, Indiana, has been admitted as a member of the Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum. The Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum recognizes the most…
Statistically, you’re bound to be in an auto accident at some point. Forbes estimates that you will file an insurance claim for a collision approximately once every 17 years. Most of these collisions will be minor, but some are not.…
Bikes have become a cost-effective, fuel-efficient alternative to vehicles. In fact, there are approximately 8.5 million motorcycles registered in the United States alone. While motorcycles come with several benefits, they also come…
Throughout the course of your life, you could be in an automobile accident or collision. That said, do you know what to do after a car accident? After calling 911 and seeking medical attention, here are a few things you’ll want to…
If you’re the victim of an accident and were injured, you might be wondering if you have a personal injury case. Automobile accidents, medical malpractice, farming accidents, fires, and more can lead to injuries that you could be…
Attorney John P. Schafer has been named a partner at Ball Eggleston, PC, a Lafayette, Indiana law firm. We at Ball Eggleston are proud to make this announcement, as Mr. Schafer has proven to be a valuable asset to our firm. Mr.…
A DUI can affect employment, careers, travel options, reputation, and much more. As a result, it’s important to understand how to fight a DUI. Talk to an attorney. The first step in fighting a DUI is consulting an experienced…
What happens when you’re arrested for drinking and driving? Do you have to tell your parents or your school? Will you be fined? Will you lose your license? After being arrested for your first DUI, you’re going to have a lot of…
Your mind is spinning after a drinking and driving arrest. One thing you must consider carefully is how to choose a DUI attorney. Here are a few tips to help you choose: Compile a list of candidates. The first step in choosing an…
If you’ve been charged with driving under the influence, you probably have several questions, including, What kind of attorney do I need for a DUI?” The answer to this question is a criminal law attorney who is experienced and…
So, you’ve just been arrested and released for drinking and driving. Now what? Here’s what to expect with a first-time DUI. License Revocation The first thing you should expect after a DUI is to lose your license for a minimum of…
Between having so much to do and the need to feel connected, distracted driving — especially caused by cell phones — is becoming an increasingly problematic and devastating issue. In 2015, The Huffington Post reported that one in…
As an employee, it is important to understand workplace accidents – what they are and what to do in the unfortunate event of one. In certain fields with especially high safety risks, such as construction and trucking, it is even more…
Employees spend a lot of time in the workplace week to week and year to year, and it is important that they feel comfortable and safe in the work space provided by their employer. Worker’s compensation is one safeguard that helps…
There are some things in life that don’t come with instruction manuals. Sustaining a personal injury or the wrongful death of a loved one are two examples. Though these types of occurrences can be stressful and worrisome, one can…
Joseph T. Bumbleburg has been reappointed to his 18th term as Judge Advocate of the Department of Indiana American Legion. As Judge Advocate, Mr. Bumbleburg’s responsi­bilities include: Supply professional advice in the conduct of…
Fires and explosions are unexpected, traumatic events that can cause serious physical and psychological injuries and even lead to death. Explosions are typically a result of corporate or human negligence, and because victims are…